Recommended Resources

Searching for Answers


"The Holy Bible"
"Go Ye Means Go Me", Ivan Stewart
"They Smell Like Sheep", Dr. L. Anderson
"Sermons By Hogan", R. N. Hogan
"Bus Ride to Justice", Fred D. Gray
"Realizing The California Dream", Calvin H. Bowers
"Success The Glen Bland Method", Glen Bland
"How to Win Friends and Influence People", Dale Carnegie
"God's Love Bank" Vol. 1&2, Anthony Roach
"Why I Am A Member Of The Church of Christ", L. Brownlow
"The Most Excellent Way", Eldred Echols
"Modern Churches and the Church", J. Porter Wilhite
"The Shack", William P. Young
"Becoming a Woman of Excellence", Cynthia Held
"Muscle and a Shovel", Michael Shank


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